
Good News!

The url is now !

We are official!

“Thank you for a site where Lenny Clements cannot edit and delete posts and threads at will.”

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1 Response to Congratulations!

  1. Dog Nose says:

    A huge congratulations and thanks goes to the ADMINS, supermods, and moderators of the new site. A lot of work and planning went into the building and development of It IS appreciated by those of us that were former members and moderators of what seems to be the now defunct It’s gratifying to see a site where the ADMINS and supermods actually WORKED rather than relying on “grunt mods” to complete their own missions yet take credit where credit was not due.

    I am sorry to see that is no longer around, if only temporarily, but given the recent unpleasant developments there, the outing of the owner as a porn mogul, the vengeful and spiteful actions of the more than lazy and often absent hateful “Queen of Mean*” Supermoderator, the appointment of the pro-MLM biased douchebag ADMIN, and the departure of the majority of the mods over these very issues, it was well deserved.

    I am wishing for much luck with the new unbiased and management involved site,

    *Trust me, she gives Leona Helmsley a halo AND wings.

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